My soulmate

Yaa this pict was capture by me. He doesnt know abt that. He just keep smiling because, yelah, jumpa i kut. Tak senyum mmg gua tampar dia hidip hidip. Hahahahaha Jokejoke. 
 Only god knows, 
i love him soooo much xxx

Hi guys, welcome back πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ 
since i was hv a sem break, i've got a lots of story to share ( to post on my blog) ) 

Ya today i wanna talk about this guy overthere πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ 

I dont know how to start but, i just cant mad 😑 at him for a long timeπŸ˜‚πŸ™Š 

Thanks you always be there for me when i really need someone, and always give me an advices. there so much things  that you've done. and i think that i dont hv nothing to repay back. 

You make me feel special, even i know im not πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ You're the best for me. 
Dia ni suka sangat overthinking, cute je tau. And paling kelakar, part yang dia nak suprise i tapi kantoi sebab my friend (yang jadi teammate dia) terbocorkan rahsia. HE HE HE HE *evil laugh* Best tau berlakon depan u, buat mcm boso taktau pape padahal dah tahu and my friend pesan "jangan ah bagi kantoi, kesian dia nak sangat buat suprise utk hang." Aaaaaaa so melt. Hahaha. 

Bila ada masalah sikit dia paling cool, 😎 nak cakap gentle ah tu, *jelir lidah* I was shocked when he scolded me when i says gi blah laπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he said "cakap pakai otak tak?" yaaa girl, buat decision guna pala lutut bukan otak ye πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š 

I really really sorry sebab jadi gf u yang paling degil, annoying, garang ( u always says that) em apa lagi. senangnye yg buruk semua i laaa. 😒

Lagi satu dia ni jenis yang taknak tunjuk dia sweet tapi dia mmg sweet. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I found that bila i was merajok with him and keluar, dia jumpa i and teman i makan. Tapi dia tak makan pun. Balik tu baru i tau yang dia puasa. Haish, πŸ˜’ 

Kalau cakap pasal dia ni kan mmg taknak habis sampai tangan pun dah lenguh lenguh dah ni. 

Okay just nak cakap i miss u so much babe. I know some ppl believe that long distance relationship wont work, because we're hv got a million miles ahead of us. 

But i do believe in you, i trust u now. 
Sincerely, your beautiful lady. πŸ’‹

14 April 2016

Hi guys!πŸ’• 
Okay today nak cerita pasal... 
Jeng jeng jeng πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Wan Muhammad Fariq Aidiel.

How we know each other? 

Ok kenal dia masa form1. 😌 Dia add i dekat fb then kawan punya la lama jadi la TTC πŸ™ˆ Auch. We hv been together almost 5months if i didnt mistaken.. 

But.. Our jodoh hv no long lasting. 
We were separated. 
Tapi, tetap berkawan. Mcm biasa. 

Lepas break up dia mcm take over my brother place. Tempat anis mengadu semua. Yess. 5 months but i still comfortable with u. Whihihihi. 

Then we met again after not contact each other dekat 3-4 tahun jugak kalau tak silap. Well, after that he decided to take me back as his future wife (over sangat tak) Hahahahha. 

Sorry, i never noticed abt you before πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

Since we're getting back together, 
i would like to say, 
Happy 1st Monthsary, B ❤️ 

Lepas ni ofkos we got a lots of cabaran & dugaan. 
I hope u will be strong enough to handle me. Kakaka. 

Things that i like about him? 

Simple question. 
I like your smile, your jokes, your beautiful eyes ( even u tak pernah appreciate mata tu, but it still comel okay !! haha ) ,
But some ppl says, 
if you fall in love with someone, 
everything about her/him will always beautiful in your eyes. 
Yaa this is the best answer πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Ouchh, okay move to the next question. 
Jeng jeng jeng. 

The things that can make me remember u... 

Tauge? HAHAHAHAHAH. Cause i know u hate tauge same like me. 
Titanic? We watch it together 5-6 years ago~ 
Fall For you. Yeah, this song got a lots of memories. ❤️ 
Lagenda Budak Setan. Yeahh you, you budak setanπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 
( Actually terlampau banyak sangat benda, tapi inikan public cerita sikit sudah yooop ) 

Okay, dah habis idea. Next time i will write a lots of story about us. Stay tuned!! xx 

Thank you.

Hallo you, dear stalker. 


Thank you for being there again. 
I love you. 
But u know i cant did it like before. 

Because i love you as a friend.

Maybe i will learn to love you again,
If you really want me to do that,
Teach me,
Prove me,
Give your effort. 

Imma a girl 
& i know im complicated. (u always said that) 

Your head must be full of thought, 
why im writting this,
because you know,
i've lost,
i've lost a lot of ppl that really love me.

One day, if you got that chance, 
i hope you're not dissapointing me again. 

But if you didnt get it, 
just put all of yr hope to Allah,
Im sorry. 

And thank you for being my remedy,


Am i too choosy? 

I admit it. 
But when i love someone, i love really hard.

I never ask you to stay for me. 
So if u wanna go just go. 
Clean and clear. 

i know i am not easy to get. 
i didnt wanna be easy to forget. 

I hope you understand. 
If you truly deeply in love with me. 

Never ask why. 

Cause you didnt know me, and u never will,
i guess

Keep smiling and enjoy your life. 

Dont wasting your time to get my attention. 

Just go. 

Time is over

Normally, people do not understand the things that we have do for them

Until we stop doing it. 

And then, 

they will feel the missing to our value
our soul around them
which they lose it
lose what it makes in themselves

and that 
we are the person
who fulfill their lives 
wonderful details. 


they will feel it when time is over.... 

Airil Safwan

hallo there!!! 

Tak sengaja terscroll gambar dalam phone. Tetiba jumpa gambar mamat ni. He's my little cousie. 

Dulu masa kecik mmg rapat sangat. Well i didnt hv adik sobs sobs. So apa dia nak , semua aku tunaikan. Sayang betul aku kat dia. 

Yang bestnya budak tewcik ni tak sampai setahun dah boleh panggil aku Kak. Tapi bila dah nak masuk 2 tahun dia dengar orang panggil aku adik ( my family ) and dia pun terikut ikut panggil adik. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Aku rindukan dia yang kecik dulu. Now dia dah masuk 7 tahun. Kami dah tak rapat macam dulu. Sebab skrg dia sibuk dengan kawan kawan dia. What a sad love story???? Hahahahah. 

time kecik kecik dulu, kalau pergi mall dekat rumah dia (Kulim) dia mesti akan mintak aku dukung dia letak dalam troli. lepas tu nak aku yang tolak dia. Bila my sis, my mom nak tolak dia dia tak bagi. Dia marah betul betul. 

Lepas tu kalau sblm tidur kena aku yang dodoikan semua. Waaa i cant imagine kalau aku ada adik pun aku takkan manja kan sampai tara tu. Kalau org lain yg dodoikan lambat sikit la nak tido. 

Then sanggup bangun awal awal pagi, around pukul 6am macam tu sebab nak main dengan aku. My mom tahu dia pesyen lagutu, so my mom asked me kunci bilik sblm tidur. 

Tapi dia ni akan dapat apa yang dia nak, sanggup intai aku bawah pintu, when he saw me tengah sembahyang subuh (from the outside) dia pun nangis main kaki suruh aku bukak. 

Terpaksa la aku tutup lampu sebab nak bagi dia cukup tidur. Kesian dengar dia menangis dari dalam bilik huhu. 

So korang yang ada adik tu jaga la dia baik baik. :)


Have u watch this movie? 
What can i say i give all my star that i have to this movie. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 
Maaaap, terlebih over. Heheheh. 

So, i was shocked!!!! 
Sebab heroin dia nama macam this blog. Kikiki. 
Yelah, kalau watak movie tu guna nama ko, mesti rasa nak tengok lagi dan lagi dan lagi!!! 

Actually, nama Miera Malik ni i got from Zayn Malik. 
Eh eh, dia inspired macam tu la. Bukan dia yang bagi nama ni. Hahahah. 

So, dah nama cek Anis Azmira. 
Letak Capital M M laaaa baru sodap kan. 
Tak sangka pulak keluar nama yang aku reka. Kakaka. 

ok ok apa yang bestnya movie ni tak macam movie hindustan yang biasa aku tengok. 
Tapi jalan cerita dia macam orang dah boleh teka, walaupun begitu cerita dia sangat menarik uolss. (Promote jap) 

Actually pengajaran yang boleh dapat dalam cerita ni, jangan mudah percayakan orang. Lepas tu, kena dengar nasihat orang tua. Jangan cepat jatuh cinta dengan orang yang kita tak tahu asal usul dia. Haaa 😌😌 

Kalau nak tahu lebih lebih tu gi tengok cepat!!! Heheheh. 
Ok sampai sini jela coretan. Muahhh.